Início CFPIMM Organic Structure

Organic Structure

CFPIMM’s organic structure includes the members listed below, with the following competences conferred:

  • Drª. Maria Luísa Barreto (IEFP)
    The Board of Directors Chair

    Dr. Fernando Canário (IEFP)
    Member of the Board of Directors

    Dr. Vítor Poças (AIMMP)
    Member of the Board of Directors

    Sr. Pedro Ferreira de Sousa Ribeiro
    Member of the Board of Directors


    The Board of Directors shall be competent to exercise its powers of administration, performing all acts intended in carrying out the CFPIMM’s tasks, being responsible for:

    a) Hiring, firing or promoting the staff necessary for the normal functioning of the institution, on a proposal from the Director;

    b) Analyzing and approving the Annual Plan of Activities, the ordinary budget, the manegement report and accounts of the exercise;

    c) Approving and enforcing the internal rules;

    d) Delegating to the Director the competences as it may deem necessary for the proper CFPIMM functioning and supervising the exercise of such competences;

    e) Setting out the guidelines that must regulate the CFPIMM actions;

    f) Assuming responsibility for the financial management of the funds awarded for the facility or equipment, as well as for the proper CFPIMM functioning.

  • Dr. Albano Vasconcelos


    1. The Diretor is the hierarchical superior of all personnel, as well as the responsible for the proper execution of the deliberations of the Board of Directors, whose meetings he should also attend, albeit without voting rights, when invited.

    The call for the meetings shall be made by the President, on her initiative or at request of other member from the Board of Directors.

    2. O Diretor terá a seu cargo a gestão corrente do Centro, cabendo-lhe designadamente:

    a) The organisation of services;

    b) Elaborating and submitting activities plan and the corresponding budget to the approval of the Board of Directors;

    c) Dispatching and signing the current workday;

    d) Proposing the admission, promotion and resignation of personnel;

    e) Exercising disciplinary action over the personnel and users;

    f) Elaborating and submitting the report and accounts of the previous exercise;

    g) Keeping the Board of Directors regularly informed about the rate of execution of activities plan, the Centre’s financial situation, as well as possible deviations to the expectations and targets of the plan;

    h) Proposing to the Board of Directors all useful initiatives to the good functioning and development of CFPIMM, even the ones which are not contained in the activities plan;

    i) Answering and taking the responsability for the proper use of the funds at the disposal of CFPIMM;

    j) Charing meetings of Technical-Pedagogical Council.

    3. The staff to be hired under the terms of subparagraph d) from the previous paragraph shall be selected by the National Institute for Employment and Vocational Training.

  • Dr. José Melo Ferreira (IEFP)

    Sr. Fernando Faria Rodrigues


    The Technical-Pedagogical Council is an advisory body, which is responsible to remit to report on plans and programmes of the courses to be provided, as well as to carry out studies, opinions and reports about CFPIMM activities, on their initiative or at request of other member from the Board of Directors.

  • Dr. António Artur da Silva Côto

    Dr. Edgar Alves Miguel (IEFP)


    It is role of the Supervisory Commission:

    a) To appreciate and provide comments on CFPIMM budgets and accounts;

    b) To appreciate the activity report and give their opinion about the merit of financial management developed;

    c) To examine the CFPIMM accounting;

    d) To give its opinion on any matter which has been submitted to its appreciation by the Board of Directors.