Início CFPIMM Our history

Our history

Already half-a-century of existence, Centro de Formação Profissional das Indústrias da Madeira e Mobiliário (CFPIMM) has a its goal the enhancement of human resources from wood and furniture industries.

  • 2017

    On December 6th, CFPIMM celebrates half a century with a closing ceremony at its premises in Lordelo, Paredes.

  • 1997

    The new premises in Lordelo are inaugurated.

  • 1987

    CFPIMM - Centro de Formação Profissional das Indústrias da Madeira e Mobiliário is created by protocol between IEFP and ANIM - Associação Nacional das Indústrias da Madeira (nowadays, AIMMP) Order nº 925/87 of the 4th December.

  • 1966

    Centro de Formação Profissional para as Indústrias da Madeira, whose protocol on the creation was approved by the Minister for Corporations and Social Welfare, Prof. Doctor José João Gonçalves de Proença.

  • 1964

    Escola de Limagem e Afinação de Máquinas was born in Porto on the initiative of the National Guild of Sawn Wood Industries, which was recognised as a Public Utility Instituition by the Government of Republic, Decree-law nº 46 423, of 7 july 1965, published in the Diário da República, Serie I nº 149).