Início Notícias Furniture New European Skills 2020 (FUNES)

Furniture New European Skills 2020 (FUNES)

FUNES will generate a interrelationship among various the new skills demanded in the furniture sector in the future years, a system to evaluate whether a worker of this sector has the future skills, and a specific training material that will be generated in order to facilitate the acquisition of these specific skills, recommending aobut the soft skills needded by the current and future workers for this sector. The training material generated will be in e-learning format to facilate the training at worplace or in a VET centre.

The development of the project is to define the different scenarios in which companies are going to find in the future, by analyzing and identifying the new skills required of the current and future workers, horizontal skills or specific skills to maintain the position of the European furniture sector in the world, keep their jobs and students to access jobs with the level of competence required by enterprises, the unemployed youth to acquire these new skills by facilitating their access to the sector. This project will generate a relationship about the new skills demanded for the furniture sector in the future years, a system to evaluate if a worker or a future worker of this sector has the future skills, and a specific training material to facilitate the acquisition of these specific skills, and to recomended aobut the horizontal skill needded by the actuals and futures workers for this sector. The training material generated will be in e-learning format to facilate the training in the worplace or education, in VET centre.

This project includes the following partners:

  • AIDIMA – Asociacion de Investigacion y Desarrollo en la Industria del Mueble y Afines (Espanha) – Coordenador
  • Consorzio del Mobile SCPA (Itália)
  • CFPIMM – Centro de Formação Profissional das Indústrias da Madeira e Mobiliário (Portugal)
  • Innovawood ASBL (Bélgica)
  • Fondazione ENAIP Lombardia (Itália)
  • Instytut Technologii Drewna (Polónia)
  • Federacion Empresarial de la Madera y Mueble de la Comunidad Valenciana – FEVAMA (Espanha

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